Sunday, December 12, 2010

R.O.M. @ Thean Hou Temple, 10 Dec. 2010

Engagement rings...
First the engagement ring, then the wedding ring, then the suffering?

Roses, used to symbolize love.
35 roses is presented on ROM's Day to express his love?

Thean Hou Temple


Filled out the couple's name...

Two witnesses

"Are you ready?"

Kee: "Wui bro, swearing in a new couple - - -> "Lou Chan Life" is a big event o,
do I still got time to think twice?"

PY: "Sorry, nope. All the best for the lou chan life, Kee."

Swear fealty...

Signed the Marriage Certificates.

Following the vows, we exchanged rings,
which are considered symbols of the vows,
or rather of our commitment to one another.

Yay, the marriage ceremony is completed.

The little girl is Nicole. She 's Yun Kee's cousin.

Here is a photo in the registry office in front of the wedding trellis.

My mummy and my cute nephew, Xiao Kai.


Happy Engagement!

Smile is the 2nd best thing you can do with your Lips.
What is first thing? ..??..
(Answer is "KISS KISS KISS"). >.<

The pro photographer, George Tan.

Big 'HelloooOO' to everybody....

Are you proposing to me now?

Arthur's mum

Just couldn't resist getting my arms around U !

PY: "Why the groom is made to sit on the horse on marriage ceremoney
in the old time?"
Kee: "...................."
PY: "He is given his last chance to run away."

It's big. It's warm. It's here. It's a big cozy hug with lots of love
from a heart that beats....
Just for you!

Another one photographer, Florence Wong,
she really has what it takes to be a potential photographer,
a good professional too.

Love one another & you will be happy. It's as simple and as difficult as that.

Thank you all for coming.

Thank you for your love and support, Ah Ba, Ah Mi and Sis!
Thank you for sharing your day with us 
to celebrate our R.O.M. day could ever wish for!
Thousands thank you.

My pretty sister, Kelly.

So perfect and fine with all of you around me to have a good time!

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