Monday, December 13, 2010

Korean BBQ, Korea Town, One Ampang Avenue, 12-12-2010

Royal Palace, Korean BBQ Restaurant
We went to Koreatown for dinner and we tried some Korean BBQ.

And remember the various types of side dishes that were served earlier?
You get to put them with the meat and wrapped them all inside the lettuce.Nice!!!Use your creativity in sense of taste and try whichever you think will complement the meat.
The sky is the limit!

Alas, I'm not that creative. I prefer to stay on the safe side by dipping the meat in sesame oil and wrapped up with chives and garlic. Safe but delicious! =D

 Then we had more pork and chicken left ~~~~ but i didn't take them too much
because ate too much beef already and make me felt full.
P/S: The chicken meat was marinated in kimchi paste.
 After the meal, the barbeque grill thingy looks charred and dirty.
But it really was a great dining experience altogether!
While we were leaving the restaurant and paying the bill, we realised that it is no government tax and service charge at this restaurant if you pay with cash $$$.

Oh yeah, I forgot to mention that there's this section with lots of pics of people posing while eating in this restaurant. But, we didn't take a pic posing eating inside the restaurant.

 Korean BBQ, checked. Hmmmmm. =P

Sunday, December 12, 2010

R.O.M. @ Thean Hou Temple, 10 Dec. 2010

Engagement rings...
First the engagement ring, then the wedding ring, then the suffering?

Roses, used to symbolize love.
35 roses is presented on ROM's Day to express his love?

Thean Hou Temple


Filled out the couple's name...

Two witnesses

"Are you ready?"

Kee: "Wui bro, swearing in a new couple - - -> "Lou Chan Life" is a big event o,
do I still got time to think twice?"

PY: "Sorry, nope. All the best for the lou chan life, Kee."

Swear fealty...

Signed the Marriage Certificates.

Following the vows, we exchanged rings,
which are considered symbols of the vows,
or rather of our commitment to one another.

Yay, the marriage ceremony is completed.

The little girl is Nicole. She 's Yun Kee's cousin.

Here is a photo in the registry office in front of the wedding trellis.

My mummy and my cute nephew, Xiao Kai.


Happy Engagement!

Smile is the 2nd best thing you can do with your Lips.
What is first thing? ..??..
(Answer is "KISS KISS KISS"). >.<

The pro photographer, George Tan.

Big 'HelloooOO' to everybody....

Are you proposing to me now?

Arthur's mum

Just couldn't resist getting my arms around U !

PY: "Why the groom is made to sit on the horse on marriage ceremoney
in the old time?"
Kee: "...................."
PY: "He is given his last chance to run away."

It's big. It's warm. It's here. It's a big cozy hug with lots of love
from a heart that beats....
Just for you!

Another one photographer, Florence Wong,
she really has what it takes to be a potential photographer,
a good professional too.

Love one another & you will be happy. It's as simple and as difficult as that.

Thank you all for coming.

Thank you for your love and support, Ah Ba, Ah Mi and Sis!
Thank you for sharing your day with us 
to celebrate our R.O.M. day could ever wish for!
Thousands thank you.

My pretty sister, Kelly.

So perfect and fine with all of you around me to have a good time!

Tuesday, November 30, 2010



Monday, November 29, 2010

Aqua Fair, 28 Nov 2010

< Exhibit Profile >
Breeders exporters and importers of ornamental fish (freshwater and marine), aquarium accessories and related-products, book and periodicals, medicine, drugs and treatment chemical, landscaping, aquarium plant and etc... 

...I didn`t manage to snap many pictures, because I was so busy "running" and "follow" my boy.... Once we entered the exhibition hall, we saw crowded in the fish competition area as well as aquascaping competition area....oh gosh what`s that? Many people kept to snap the grand champion, 2nd & 3rd winners fish....

Entrance tickets cost RM 5 each.




          冠军七彩神仙鱼 Champion!



Wednesday, November 17, 2010

Sepang Gold Coast, 12~13 Nov 2010

           Sepang Gold Coast,行囊里装满了勇气,多多的新奇,少少的冲动。

Droplight is beautiful, but influence vision height, bulb is much too wasteful also report, and clean work is done hard also.

The surrounding area was beautifully lit up.

The romantic four poster bed~
超浪漫的四柱大床~ :)

The room is very clean cosy & comfortable with a high ceiling & beautifully decorated.


遇见梦幻。着迷。We enjoyed the superb sunrise.

The bedrooms are glass-fronted and open out to a private deck with sweeping views of the Straits of Malacca and the villas. We really enjoyed the experience in the villa, especially with the calming sound of the waves below and the clear blue sky above.

I took the photo while taking a slow and leisure walk to the cafe at the Club House.

The villas and the clubhouse are separated away from the lobby. Guests traveling between the two places can opt to take a slow and leisure walk or climb on for a ride on one of the many shuttle buggies.
P/s: 赌神的背影?

The villas raised on stilts with alang-alang roofing come in semi-detached and detached design.


The stunning swimming infinity pool just placed in front of the Club House.

Guests can take a dip in the stunning infinity pool. We did it also. Hehe...


These buggies ride up to the doorstep of the villa.




My feet have gotten dirty and sandy. Go go away sandy soil....